
Chari edit_edited-1w Fi edit_edited-1w Justin edit_edited-1wMain  Human Characters in Book3

Solomon Oakley Thomas old friend and knowledgeable seer

Peeca Solomon’s homely affectionate sister

Justin. The brilliant, mercurial, unpredictable and vulnerable hero, his soul torn between love and revenge.

Chari The eldest daughter of Spes- gentle, sensitive intelligent, but with a bit of a temper.  In some ways she is also Justin’s conscience!

Fi youngest daughter of Spes active, positive and full of energy, she never stops talking or gives up hope.

Crudelitas Queen of Nightingley, Justin’s mother- dangerous and passionate; clever and calculating, defiant and proud

Queen Superbia beautiful, vain and poisonous. She is also supremely clever and coldly indifferent to suffering.  She is Spes’ younger sister

 Princess Gloria Superbia’s spoilt,pretentious and unspeakablely overbearing daughter.

Tyronne, Earl of Tyramide

Crudelitas’ lover and ex-husband of Superbia. He is Gloria’s father. A

Cruel, heartless and mischief making individual

Thomas Starmereion also known as the Sapphire Knight- a brave, generous and noble character, cautious and thoughtful but sometimes a little vain

Master Innuendus is a master spy and much more dangerous than he seems! Witty, selfish and sly, with his own destructive agenda. He is out for revenge! Justin was responsible for his cousin’s death and Master Innuendus will not forget it!

The Duchess obsessed with possessions and greedy beyond belief! The golden wolf is a prize she wants!

 Main Mystical Creatures[Mortal]

Ismowd wolf of legend

Ismowd is inscrutable but loyal

Unicorns  Frost and Icicle

Frost edit_edited-1w

Flying horses including Sundancer

Centaur guards including -Captain Coldheart[ vain, superior, muscular and conceited]

Raheel Sorceress of Thym- The protector of unicorns and sea stallions She has forgotten her calling as a healer and become a vengeful formidable adversary


Demi Immortals

Mother Death-terrifying

Veil An insidious evil spirit inhabiting the Throat of Hell

Hissburn and Schorchtail  overworked  and under appreciated dragon apprentices

Dragon envoys

Firetongue  He never stops talking. Flitterwings  tells nursery rhymes and lisps.

 The Great Dragons

Vecengean is the symbol of vengeance and spring. A wicked and humorous personality the size of an oak tree!

Vecengean edit_edited-1w

Nolies is the symbol of truth and Summer. Another colossal dragon, he is slightly comical and prone to hypochondria


The Little Gelan Prince guardian of all time

The Gelans remote and impartial

Chilmea the protector,watcher and Torch of Judgement

 The Snake Prince  a sophisticated, witty, tempting destroyer

© Ros Bethan

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